Hallux rigidus, sometimes called turf toe or stiff big toe, is when you have big toe pain. The pain can make it hard to walk or even stand. Hallux rigidus is a type of degenerative arthritis, a common type of arthritis. It’s sometimes called “big toe arthritis.” Hallux rigidus causes pain and stiffness in the metatarsophalangeal (MTP) joint. That’s the joint where big toe (the hallux) meets your foot.

Hallux rigidus is a progressive condition, which means it can get worse over time. Some people find that it never gets much worse than when it started. But for others, the pain and stiffness worsen. They have less and less motion in the joint.

Hallux rigidus occurs in teens and adults. It’s most common in people between the ages of 30 and 60.


  • Overuse of the joint

  • Injuries to toe

  • Genetics

  • Osteoarthritis, which is joint inflammation due to wear and tear on the joint.

  • Inflammatory diseases, such as Rheumatoid arthritis or gout.


  • pain in your big toe, especially when you push off as you walk.

  • Limited toe movement over time so that walking or even standing is painful.

  • Pain and stiffness worsen in cold weather.

  • Toe joint becomes swollen and inflamed.

  • A bump, like a bunion or callus.


An X-ray can show any bone abnormalities or bony spur development.

Management :


  • Appropriate shoes :
    Wear shoes that have plenty of room for your toes. You may find that shoes with stiff soles relieve pain. Avoid wearing high heels.
  • Limited toe movement :
    Place pads in your shoe to limit movement of your big toe. Avoid activities that stress your toe joint, such as jogging.
  • Pain relievers :

  • Foot soaks :
    Contrast bath, switching between hot and cold water to relieve inflammation. Place your foot in hot water for 30 seconds, then right away in cold water for 30 seconds.
  • Injections :
    Corticosteroid injections can help relieve pain.


Surgery can offer a permanent solution to the pain and stiffness of hallux rigidus. Surgical procedures for hallux rigidus include :

  • Cheilectomy :
    Shaving the bone spur can help relieve pain and preserve joint motion. A cheilectomy allows more room for the toe to bend
  • Osteotomy :
    Cutting the bone can realign or shorten the big toe.
  • Arthrodesis :
    For severe cases, this joint fusion procedure can provide long-lasting pain relief. This surgery offers a permanent solution but may restrict big toe movement.

How to prevent Hallux ?

  • Exercise to keep the joint mobile.

  • Rest the joint when you feel pain.

  • Wear good-fitting shoes with enough space around the toes.